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Austin Drowning Accident Victim’s Rights and Compensation

100 Congress Avenue, Suite 2000

Austin, Texas 78701

(512) 806-0000

One of the benefits of living in the Austin area is that the months of warm weather make Central Texas an ideal area for those that enjoy the water. Be it swimming, fishing, water skiing, or just floating down the Colorado River on an inner tube, there is something in Austin for everyone who loves the water. But like so many other things that bring us enjoyment, the warm waters in and around Austin can just as quickly bring tragedy.

Drowning accidents don’t just happen on the public waterways and at beaches. Every year just as many drowning and near-drowning accidents occur at the public swimming pools maintained and operated by the city’s Parks and Recreation Department as well as those operated by the State of Texas. There are also water parks and other such entertainment venues that charge admission fees. And then there are the swimming pools that are found behind more and more homes each year and those found in apartment complexes or at the dozens of hotels that serve the area.

Regardless of who owns or operates a swimming pool, a public beach or a water slide, those who are ultimately responsible for the users’ safety have both a moral and legal duty to take whatever steps that are reasonably necessary to reduce that danger that an accidental drowning might occur. There are any number of measures that, at first glance, may seem to meet this responsibility. However, as an Austin drowning lawyer will tell you, there are no safeguards against drowning that have been shown to be foolproof.

  • Locking the gates to swimming pools: Locking a gate usually doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways to enter a pool. Older children and teens seem particularly good at finding ways around locked gates.
  • Posting warning signs: “No Swimming” or “No Trespassing” or “Swim At Your Own Risk” signs may look impressive, but they do not look impressive to a child that is too young to read or to someone who doesn’t understand English.
  • “No Lifeguard On Duty” is another sign that seems to deny any responsibility for accidents, but does it also mean “We Think There Probably Should Be A Lifeguard, But We Don’t Provide One”?

There are, of course, any number of measures that could have been taken to prevent an accidental drowning, but none of them can undo what has already happened. And even though words are never enough to take away the pain that comes from losing a family member to drowning, sometimes words are all that are offered by the person or group most responsible for your loss.

Your Rights in Drowning Accidents

Before a drowning accident happens, you have the right to swim in a safe environment. You also have the right to know that there are policies and procedures in place that will deal with an accident. Finally, and most importantly, you have the right to be compensated for any expenses and damages that you might incur as a result of an accident.

It is the responsibility of the owner, manager, supervisor, or any other person who has been given responsibility over a swimming area to insure that the area is as free of dangers as possible. Should it be discovered that some hazard was not recognized, or recognized but not corrected, you have the right to bring a legal action to recover any damages that were the result of a foreseeable accident.

What an Austin Drowning Accident Lawyer Can Do For You

After losing a family member to a drowning accident no one wants to think that another human being, let alone a family friend or an acquaintance, could have been so careless that they could have allowed such a tragedy to occur. It is also during this most stressful time that we are not thinking as clearly as we should be. It is at this vulnerable time that many insurance companies will attempt to draw you into an unreasonable settlement agreement that is far more favorable to the company than to you.

If you have recently lost someone close to you as a result of a drowning accident, the Austin drowning accident lawyer at the Doan Law Firm is ready to be your voice in court. Our Austin drowning accident attorney will be glad to meet with you whenever you feel that you are ready to face those whose negligence may have played a part in your loss.

Since it is always our policy at the Doan Law Firm to work only for your best interests, meeting with our Austin drowning lawyer never creates an obligation your part. If you decide to have us represent you, we will always work with you on what is called a contingency fee basis. This means that our fees and all costs associated with your case are our responsibility and that we only recover our costs if we win your case.

To discuss your case with an Austin drowning accident attorney at the Doan Law Firm, call (512) 806-0000 for a free, no obligation, consultation today.

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