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For Our Clients

Austin Distracted Driver Truck Accident Attorney

100 Congress Avenue, Suite 2000

Austin, Texas 78701

(512) 806-0000

The U.S. Department of Transportation declared distracted driving on the roadways of the United States an epidemic. Several thousand motorists are killed annually in distracted driving accidents, including collisions caused by large truck drivers. In addition, tens of thousands of people are injured, and sometimes seriously so, in accidents caused by a distracted drivers, also including semi-truck operators.

Being a bustling metropolitan area, distracted driving is a major problem in and around Austin. The epidemic reached the capital of the Lone Star State. Because it is a bustling urban area, semis or large trucks traverse roadways in and out of the city each and every day. With alarming frequency, distracted semi-truck drivers cause serious accidents in the Austin area.

If you or a loved one are injured, or if a family member is killed, because of a distracted semi-truck driver, you need to know your essential rights. You must understand what to do to protect your interests in the aftermath of an accident caused by a reckless, distracted semi-truck driver. One of your first tasks needs to be seeking legal assistance from an experienced Austin truck accident lawyer, like a member of the tenacious legal team at The Doan Law Firm at 512-806-0000.

Federal Government Ban on Texting and Talking on Mobile Phones

Recognizing the serious consequences of distracted driving, particular among semi drivers, the U.S. Department of Transportation banned commercial drivers from texting or talking on a mobile phone while operating a rig. The ban is in place no matter the specific laws on the books in a particular state.

Due to the federal government ban on commercial drivers texting or talking on mobile devices, you likely can mount a strong case if you were involved in an accident under this type of circumstance. Research suggests that a semi driver texting at the wheel is a remarkable 23 times more likely to cause an accident than a driver paying fill attention to the important task of operating a rig on a public roadway.

Other Common Causes of Distracted Driving by a Trucker

Although texting and otherwise communicating on mobile devices are major causes of distracted driving, there are other ways in which commercial drivers lose focus on their jobs:

  • eating and drinking
  • smoking or vaping
  • operating electronic devices
  • grooming
  • talking to a passenger
  • listening to the radio or other device
  • reviewing a GPS, map or manifest

The reality is that in many situations, a commercial truck driver is found to be engaged in multiple distracting activities at the time of an accident. For example, a semi-truck driver not only may be talking to a passenger but also eating and fiddling with the radio or other electronic device at the time he or she causes an accident.

In this day and age, many commercial vehicles are equipped with video recording equipment in the exterior of the truck. Although this equipment is placed for a variety of reasons, it oftentimes makes a highly specific record of what a commercial driver was doing at the time of an accident.

Types of Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Distracted Driving Accident

Every distracted truck driver case is unique. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be entitled to compensation for a range of different types of losses that include:

  • medical expenses
  • pain and suffering
  • lost income
  • property damage
  • permanent injuries
  • mental and emotional anguish
  • punitive damages

You may be entitled not only to compensation for existing losses, but also for losses you reasonably expect to incur in the future. For example, you may continue to incur medical bills, continue to lose income and continue to experience pain and suffering for an indefinite period of time.

Retain a Committed, Compassionate Austin 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer

An accident with a semi-truck can be devastating. The injuries and property damage suffered by the victim of a negligent or reckless semi driver can be tremendous. You must have a committed, compassionate and qualified Austin truck accident lawyer in your corner. The experienced, skilled legal team at The Doan Law Firm stands ready to help you or your loved one.

We can be reached around the clock, every day of the year, by calling 512-806-0000. We can meet with you at a time and place that is convenient for you. An Austin truck accident lawyer can schedule an appointment in our Austin offices, in your home or even at the hospital or rehabilitation center, depending on your circumstances.

During an initial consultation, we will discuss the facts and circumstances of your case. We will present possible strategies to ensure that you obtain the full compensation to which you are entitled.

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