As a parent, you undoubtedly spend a considerable amount of time worrying about the safety of your children. You expect school administrators to maintain a reasonably safe environment for your children when they are at school. You expect the families of your children’s friends to keep their own homes safe as well. There are 10 home safety tips you need to bear in mind when it comes to keeping children protected in your own residence. Implement Proper Pool Safety If…
A tremendous amount of attention has been paid to school safety and the coronavirus as the new educational term begins this fall. There is no doubt that proper steps must be taken to keep children safe from the contagious disease while they are in school. The reality is that there are other types of items that can be hazardous to our children while they are in school. Six items that are most hazardous when it comes to students and which…
Beginning in the summer of 2020, speculation continued to grow that child abuse was worsening amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This include concerns in regard to what was happening across the country in regard to daycare abuse. As the nation and the world enters into the second full year of the pandemic, there is growing anecdotal evidence that child abuse generally is on the increase and that daycare abuse remains a notable problem. This includes both physical as well as sexual…
Within the past year there were 8 reported cases involving sexual abuse of children at daycare centers. Of these 8, 6 happened at “home-based” daycare centers and were committed by the daycare’s owner or a member of the owner’s family.