Can a Non-citizen File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in a U.S. Court? In a recent post, we discussed the potential liability of businesses for injuries their customers and employees might receive in a “mass shooting” incident or during some other act of premeditated (“planned”) public violence. We have since been asked to discuss an issue that we did not raise in our original post: “Given that many victims of the recent mass shooting incident in El Paso were Mexican nationals,…
Who Is Liable in “Mass Shootings” and Other Acts of Public Violence? As the recent mass shooting incidents in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio, have tragically demonstrated, we live in a society where acts of “planned” or “premeditated” public violence have become a matter of great concern in regard to public safety. Although we will avoid the very real issues of concern to both the law enforcement and civil libertarian communities, at The Doan Law Firm we believe that…
Former LSU Fraternity Member Convicted of Negligent Homicide in Hazing Death In September of 2017 Maxwell Gruver, a freshman at Louisiana State University, died as a direct result of hazing administered by members of the LSU chapter of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. After details of Gruver’s death were made public, the Louisiana legislature passed the “Maxwell Gruver Act,” which criminalized certain specific acts traditionally associated with fraternity hazing. In today’s post, our fraternity hazing lawyer gives a recap of…
A 20-year-old man was arrested in connection with a Rhode Island fight where another man was dragged and run over by an SUV in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart. Police arrested Patrick J. Oliveira at Roger Williams Medical Center in Providence after police learned that he was being treated there. Reports say that police believe Oliveira was being treated for injuries incurred during the fight in which the man was hit and dragged during a confrontation between youths in…
A resident of an apartment complex off Bissonett, in southwest Houston was returning home after visiting a nearby relative when he was confronted in the parking lot complex by an unknown suspect. The suspect stabbed the resident multiple times and then fled the scene. The resident, identified as Pena was found on the sidewalk and then taken to the hospital. The victim, David Pena, 24, of the above address, suffered multiple stab wounds and was transported to Ben Taub General…
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