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Catastrophic Explosion Kills Two Workers at Kerr Dam in Oklahoma

A large explosion erupted at the Kerr Dam in Oklahoma, killing two people. Officials with the Grand River Dam Authority have not yet released specific information about how the deadly Kerr Dam explosion accident occurred. Investigators have only now begun their work at identifying what went wrong at the dam, resulting in the tragic death of two people. The Kerr Dam explosion accident occurred at about 6:00 p.m. Oklahoma time on Thursday, May 13, 2021. Three men were at work…

Brooklyn Elevator Accident: Freight Lift Collapses with 25 People Inside

A freight elevator in a Brooklyn warehouse began to tumble downward in an uncontrolled manner with about 25 people and an undisclosed amount of IT equipment onboard. The emergency braking system did not operate properly, although it did finally kick-in in what was moments before a catastrophic collapse very well may have occurred at the bottom of the elevator shaft. A total of five people were injured in the Brooklyn elevator accident. Two police officers are included among the injured…

Couple Beat Black Hotel Clerk, Call 59-Year-Old Woman “Old Monkey”

A considerably amount of media attention has been paid to hotel and resort guests that are injured at a property. Little focus has been directed to hotel employees who are injured as the result of assaults perpetrated by guests at a particular property. Every year, hotel staffers are injured as the result of assaults and other acts perpetrated by guests. A shocking example of this type of assault on a hotel worker took place at the Quality Inn located in…

Brooklyn Apartment Building Superintendent Killed in Horrific Elevator Accident

Day in and day out, people across the United States ride elevators without giving this type of conveyance much thought. Overall, elevators are considered to be generally safe modes of transport. With that said, every year an alarming number of people are injured and even killed in elevator accidents in the United States. Recently, a tragic Brooklyn elevator accident snared headlines across the city, indeed around the world. One person was injured and another individual was killed in this Brooklyn…

Harris County Construction Accident Takes Life of Worker: Man Crushed by Machinery

Tragedy struck a Harris County construction site this week when a worker was struck and crushed by machinery being operated at the location. The death of the yet to be identified man occurred in a construction accident in southwest Harris County. The Harris County construction accident specifically occurred at 14800 Almeda Road near the West Riley intersection. The accident occurred Wednesday evening at about 5:00 p.m., as the sun was setting for the day. Circumstances Surrounding Harris County Construction Accident…

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