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BP Pledges To Pay Full Cost of Cleanup

BP has publicly pledged to pay for the cleanup of the oil spill that’s still pumping some 200,000 gallons a day into the Gulf of Mexico, just south of the Louisiana coastline. But some experts say that the amount of the actual payout can vary dramatically. Based on what happens with the still-spreading slick and some maritime laws, the amount of money and to whom it will pay the money is far from clear. Estimates to both clean the spill…

SBA Offers Loans to Gulf Coast Spill Victims

Low-interest economic injury loans have reportedly been  made available to small firms via the Small Business Administration for Louisiana coast residents that have been hurt by the Gulf Coast BP oil spill. The SBA is reportedly offering affected businesses 30-year loans of up to $2 million under its Economic Injury Disaster Loans program at a 4% interest rate. The April 20th spill led to a ban on fishing along Louisiana’s southeast coast, and has affected potentially millions of livlihoods throught…

Few Options Available to Slick Victims

Volunteers and rescue crews are finding that remedies for oil spill cleanup are limited, but one simple household product seems to be helping. The household dishwasing liquid, Dawn, commonly found at kitchen sinks across America, is being effectively used by animal rescue and rehabilitation teams to help remove oil from feathers, fur, and skin of oil-soaked animals and people.  Dawn, which is a brand of Proctor & Gamble, has already been on the scene of donated wildlife conservation programs for…

Bad Weather Threatens to Hasten Oil Flow and Hamper Collection Efforts

Although National Weather Service reports predicted strong winds, high tides and high waves through Sunday that might delay the arrival of the bulk of oil slick on the Gulf Coast, some say the weather may actually push oil deep into the inlets, ponds and lakes in southeast Louisiana. Crews may be unable to effectively collect or eliminate oil because of the weather, and high waves may wash over yellow and orange collector booms strung out just off shorelines to stop…

First Oil Washes Up In Louisiana

The first known patch of oil washed up on Freemason Island, in the Chandeleur Islands chain off Louisiana’s St. Bernard Parish, Coast Guard officials reportedly said. Although small traces of oil were reported on the shores of Louisiana over the past few days, a larger more destructive part of the BP oil disaster spreading toward Gulf state shores now is beginning to arrive. The landfall, reported Thursday, also appeared off New Harbor Island, another part of the chain. Wildlife was…

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