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“Stretch” Vehicles and Defective Product Law

“Stretch” vehicles don’t always start their useful lives as “stretch” vehicles. Most of the vehicles are re-purposed, adapted, and extended. These modifications can lead to defective products that can cause accidents.

How Safe Are “Stretch” Limousines?

“Strech” limousines can carry large amounts of passengers who are often unsecured occupants. The experienced team of accident lawyers at The Doan Law Firm explore just how safe these limos are.

Amazon Flex Delivery Accidents Upend Lives of Innocent Victims

Unless you have lived in a cave for the past decade, you are apt to hear something about Amazon every day. Indeed, if you are like a significant portion of the U.S. population, you likely transact business with the retail behemoth that is Amazon on a fairly regular basis. While Amazon provides consumers with tremendous shopping options, the company’s delivery system puts people at risk of Amazon delivery vehicle accidents. What is certain is that you are on public roadways…

Legal Options When The Other Driver Has No Insurance

Although mandatory automobile insurance laws have been enacted in all but 5 states, insurance industry statistics indicate that 10 to 15% of all vehicles on the road on any given day are being operated without liability insurance. If the driver of such a vehicles is involved in an accident, the accident victims may be forced to pay their own medical bills and other costs such as vehicle repair or replacement. In today’s post, the motor vehicle / commercial trucking accident…

Liability of Bars and Package Stores in Alcohol-Related Accidents

Dram Shop Laws may allow accident victims to sue retail alcohol sellers Everyone is aware of the terrible consequences that often accompany an individual’s decision to drive a car, truck, or motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol. Many victims of these tragic accidents and their families are unaware that it may be possible to file a lawsuit against the establishment that served alcohol to a customer who was obviously intoxicated and that customer was later involved in a traffic…

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