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Amazon Logistics Delivery Trucks Versus “Common Carriers”

Amazon Logistics Delivery Trucks Versus “Common Carriers” Amazon.com is the largest online retailer in the world. Much of its success is due to its policy of providing on-time delivery of products that are ordered online from its thousands of retail partners. Unfortunately, as we have noted in a previous post, two “legs” of Amazon’s delivery operations (Amazon Prime and Amazon Logistics) have less than enviable safety records. In this post, our Amazon truck accident lawyer discusses how Amazon.com has created…

First Recorded Fatal Shark Attack in the State of Maine Results in Death of 64-Year-Old Woman

First Recorded Fatal Shark Attack in the State of Maine Results in Death of 64-Year-Old Woman Literally no one had been killed in a shark attack off the coast of Maine in recorded history until last week. All of that changed when a great white shark attacked and killed a 64-year-old woman enjoying the water along the shore at Harpswell. The coast of Maine is not known as a danger zone for shark attacks. With that said, the coast of…

TV Reporter Killed in Rideshare Scooter Accident

TV Reporter Killed in Rideshare Scooter Accident A new and popular face on New York City television, news reporter Nina Kapur was the passenger on a personal rideshare scooter being driven by a man in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn on Saturday afternoon, June 18, 2020. Kapur joined the news team at a local CBS affiliate in the Big Apple. As Monday afternoon following the fatal accident, an investigation into the specific circumstances surrounding the incident remained underway. What is…

Worker Who Expressed Concern about Site Killed in NYC Construction Accident

Worker Who Expressed Concern about Site Killed in NYC Construction Accident 59-year-old Mario Victorio left for his job at construction site on Thursday morning as he had done many, many times throughout his extended career. The construction site was for a building renovation project in the heart of New York City. Victorio was working on shoring up the façade of the 12-story condominium building as part of the crew’s overall efforts to give the building a new look. He and…

Brain Injury Due to Medical Malpractice

Brain Injury Due to Medical Malpractice When most people hear the words “brain injury,” they will usually think of damage to the brain caused by some type of physical trauma such as a motor vehicle accident, a fall, or by being struck by a falling object. But did you know that most brain injuries are not due to trauma but are instead due to some medical condition that was either incorrectly diagnosed or improperly treated? On this page, the brain injury…

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